Quirky Bombshell Services…


Hello, and thank you for taking the time to click and discover Quirky Bombshell Writing Services. I look forward to the summer heat AND the writing opportunities it brings. Apart from writing fashion related content, I will also be posting articles pertaining to other aspects of my industry. I do write beauty articles here and there, but mostly write ups promoting fashion events, and businesses dealing with fashion e-commerce. I don’t need to go through every package I offer, since they are available on Facebook and my link.  Instead I’d rather inform you on what’s to come for my website. I will be more interactive; posting more content about my fashion interest,  insight, and of course…ME ;P. Because after all, I am the Quirky Bombshell, and as a Fashion writer, I MUST represent…Thank you. 😜💋💄 👛👠💕❤


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