Fashion sketches from my past….

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I’ve been going through my old fashion journals and found these sketches. Sketching is not my strong suit, but I found as I continued to do it, it became easier. There are all sorts of drawing styles in fashion. I hope one day that I discover my style and become the next Ruben Toledo…but then writing is my passion, so I can’t see how being a master illustrator would happen. It’s something that’s definitely possible though. The pictures above are from when I first started sketching. I didn’t take fashion sketching yet, and these took me so long to do! I made these in my spare time way back in the day, and put them in my personal journal. Of course I’ve taken fashion sketching and can now actually do a more polished rendition. Would you like me too? leave a comment and let me know if you want an “after” look for these “before” pics. ;)

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