In the pursuit of fashion…

The post previously was in regards to keeping motivated. This one is to elaborate on that. Stores are starting to open up again, but instead of focusing on what you can’t do, lets do the opposite. In times like these all that matters is that you feel good. During the early stages of the pandemic, people had no choice but to focus INWARD. I decided to amp up my writing and research during those times. That lead me to ART. I had no real purpose to go past the topical focuses of fashion ( the finished product), until now. I started looking into watercolors and various creative illustration books, (anime, cartoon, creative sketching,.etc). This charged my motivation in fashion. I anticipate what new idea’s and innovations come about due to this unprecedented time. Remember what I said; the MINDSET is detrimental at this time. Seeing fashion in it’s basic form helped me remember that most of the great works of art are created with less that what we have now. When we are reduced to the minimal basic necessities, and forced to deal with limitations: THAT is when magic happens. We tap into our most creative avenues and become greater than we could have ever imagined! So, as part of my series to help keep motivated with fashion, I suggest you dive into it’s origins. You may be surprised with what you discover. Not just about fashion but your own creative junctures.

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