My Style Port

Note: This article was written a while back. It was formerly an online boutique, now it’s a consulting site. 

Update: This site is no longer owned by My Style Port Consulting.

There’s style, and then there’s personal style. What’s the difference? Style is something anyone can achieve by following the hottest trends. Personal style is something only you can create. So how do you find it? Here are 5 ways to find your fashion DNA.

Step 1:       Understand who you are.

Who you are will show in what you wear. I suggest going to a non-clothing store and just browsing the isles.  Point out anything you like, and write down why you like it. Is it the color, shape, or style? How does it make you feel? This all seems boring at first, but the deeper you go into why you like something, the closer you are to finding your personal style.

Step 2:  Categorize your wardrobe to fit your everyday life.

 Your lifestyle affects your wardrobe greatly. If you’re a socialite, your closet will probably consist of cocktail dresses, sexy pumps, and what I call “dress-to-impress” clothing. The key here is to not let one aspect of your life consume your wardrobe. You must create a balance in your closet. The Socialite mentioned should categorize this way;

Casual Clothes,

Night on the Town clothes,

Work clothes,

Workout clothes,


Dress to Impress

 Lounge Wear

What most people do is make one section take over their entire wardrobe. Your wardrobe needs to have versatility. Once the balance is achieved, you will always be prepared for any occasion. How many times have you been invited to a special event, but you had nothing fitting to wear?  Categorizing helps to prevent unnecessary spending. These rules go for accessories and shoes as well.

Step 3:  What doesn’t work, get rid of it, or tweek it.

The time has come to clean our closets based on what we have learned. Take 3 trash bags. Each should be labeled KEEP, GOODWIIL, and TWEEK. The “Keep” bag is for items you love, fit well, and suit your personal style. The second bag is “Goodwill”. These clothes are usually, impulse buys, outdated, or clothes that don’t fit. The last bag is “Tweek”; a clever way of saying alterations. If something is outdated, like a pair of pants, a simple trip to the dry cleaners can get them altered and up to date. Once your closet is de-cluttered, it’s time to freshen up your wardrobe.

Step 4:  The Fun Part Finally… Shopping!!!

We are now organized and more aware of what we like, so it’s time to shop. But before we bust open the mall doors, be prepared. Having a list of items you need and creating a style quota will prevent you from impulse buying. Create a statement in your head that symbolizes who you are. If you say, I am Fun, Smart, and Conservative, when you pick up an item, if it doesn’t match your motto, put it down. Remember your categories? If one category is full, do not shop for that category until you fill the others equally. The key is to not feel like you have to shop. Avoid being obsessed with trends, remember fashion recycles itself.  Jackets with shoulder pads were popular in the 80s, but now stars like Beyonce’ Rihanna, and Angelina Jolie are wearing them in 2011.

Following these steps will help your shopping experience run a lot smoother than before. You won’t get frustrated or waste money because you’ll be armed with a positive attitude and a full awareness of your personal style.





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