True Blue Writer…💙✍🏽😍

Writing is something I do for a living and in my spare time. It’s something that fuels my imagination. I’ve seen lots of articles on what makes a good or even great writer. I don’t know who determines that. What I do know is writers who are considered great tend to have a real passion for what they’re writing about, not necessarily the act of doing it. They use writing as a means to share a story, belief, idea, style, etc.

The written word is a necessary part of your day-to-day experience. It’s unavoidable; you have to read every day. It’s not just about the act of writing, but the intent. When I’m not writing for work, it’s for no particular intent other than just me wanting to do so. I’ll write for many, two people, myself, or no one.

For me it comes naturally, but there are times I have to remember why I love writing, or else it becomes exhausting. I do intend on writing more books because I think it’s a waste of energy just to write quality information for myself. Also, if I write for others, then that will drive me too. I just thought I’d share my thoughts on writing. I may write content about Copywriting too, since more people have taken interest in it. I think that would help others visit my site and learn something new. That’s even better motivation :) 

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