Defining Beauty?

Its true when they say beauty is subjective. What inspired me to write this article was the National Geographic girl. Her name is Sharbat Gula a.k.a the Afghan Girl, she is described as true beauty to many. What is TRUE beauty? That could mean anything so I’ll go deeper into that later. Right now I want to talk more about the National Geographic girl, her eyes were the most captivating thing in her photograph. But I can’t help but wonder, did she think she was beautiful? According to her interview she remembered when the photo was taken. She said she was hungry and not really in the mood for a photo session. But there it was an opportunity to capture her at her most beautiful. With dirt on her face and an orange scarf, she manage to captivate the world with her beauty.

I want you to understand that no one can be “the most beautiful” because its all a matter of perception. I don’t think its healthy to strive for beauty because its honestly a mute position.No one can be beautiful to everyone, think of the most beautiful woman or man. No matter who you think of, I’m pretty sure there’s someone out there who doesn’t think they’re a “10”. So don’t strive for a exterior beauty, shoot for interior :).

If you feel good, no one can bring you down. I’d be lying if I said that when people say hurtful things it doesn’t hurt. It may hurt my feeling, but never will it stop me from being me and doing my thing! That’s the attitude you need to have. People are always gonna have their opinions, so if it’s negative brush ’em off and keep it movin’! But I’m spinning so lets get back to the point. Whats YOUR definition of beauty? Find it, then project that in your style and being. Its your way of taking pride in yourself and living by your standards of beauty. For example, mine is people who put effort into how they look with the tiniest details. It irritates me when someone’s clothes need ironing. Just watching them walk around looking like crushed aluminum foil just drives me nuts. If anyone out there feels the opposite way I do then more power to you! Set your standards high though. In a nutshell take pride in the way you look ultimately that little bit of effort will go a long way. I can honestly say that some people aren’t aware of not putting their best foot forward. Like I said in earlier post I will go through step by step the best ways to look your best. Think of this as a blue print on finding your personal style and comfortable mindset on fashion. O.k I’m done writing

Oh and in between I will be posting other informative enlightening articles for you so, look for the the word “Blue Print” in the title. When i have enough articles to make a category I will. O.k toodles! And please feel free to Leave some feedback via comments.

pic from Wikipedia

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