Identity Point Vintage

Portfolio Categories: Fashion Consulting.

This is a vintage store I do freelance copywriting for on a seasonal basis.

Update: The website is no longer active. The Facebook Page is.

For creative and innovative ways to add twists to clothing, find content that isn’t readily available to the public. Don’t go online, instead consult How-To books from earlier eras (50’s, 60’s, 70’s, and 80’s) at your public library, or buy them for 1 dollar at a Goodwill or thrift store. The text and pictures may look dated, but when you apply it to modern styles and technologies today, you have a unique product. Don’t assume you have to reinvent the wheel in order to be unique. When you present items in a different way, sometimes that alone can create quite a following. One unique service you can offer is dying clothing. Dying clothing is messy and tricky to get just right. If you have the facility, time, and patience then dying clothing could be something that makes your vintage store stand out. Also, the industry is heavily into recycling now. If you dye denim, for example, you can prevent waste. Black Denim is constantly being discarded when a simple dye touch up could revamp the garment, but people don’t have the time… they do have the money. Since you enjoy revamping clothing, focus more on treatments that are TRENDING right now. For example, if ripped frayed denim is trending then invest time into doing that to vintage denim items for one season. That way your time and energy won’t be wasted on a trend that no one will buy. How do you know what’s trending right now? Just simply walk into retailers in a local mall, see what they’re selling, and revamp items to look like that. You can even find the originals, since you are vintage, and sell those items with a twist. The exclusivity and uniqueness of vintage clothing contribute to its appeal.

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