Denim Heaven

Wrote copy for marketing blog posts in the website’s early stages of business

Note: The brand has switched Creative Directors since I’ve freelanced for them.


Jeans are by far, the most popular clothing piece to date. What was once considered a work garment worn by builders and artists, has now become the must have, or already owned choice of apparel. There is a multitude of reasons why jeans are so popular. In order to really dive deep into denim, we first must explore it’s origins. After a bit of fashion history, we can better understand its modern evolution. Then there’s its impact on fashion culture. Finally, we will visit the present time in jeans history, and come to a conclusion of why jeans are so popular.

Jeans were originally worn by artists and workers in the early 1940’s. It was never considered a suitable casual attire. Men wore trousers and women wore their traditional dresses. In the event women did wear pants, they were more often than not made of traditional linen, khaki, or silk. Over time, the public started to accept denim as a versatile fabric and found jeans to be the go-to for casual style. As the public started wearing jeans in their everyday life, it slowly seeped into work culture. More companies began accepting denim; not just for “casual Friday” but as acceptable attire. The formality of denim is ever changing. Now too, denim can be found on the red carpet at extravagant events, and manipulated in various weights and dawning intricate details. New colors, shades, and treatments to denim are widely available. Designers can do anything imaginable with denim fabric, and jeans overall. They have mixed blends that give the wearer a nice stretch to fit their curves. Even the construction of jeans has changed. Traditional details, like pockets for example, are now optional.

Jeans have had a serious impact on fashion. Fashion brands such as Rag & Bone, Everlane, and Jordache have become Iconic for their ad campaigns marketing to pop culture. Jeans are unisex and accommodate virtually all lifestyles. It’s no wonder there are designer labels that specifically focus on denim. Streetwear brands like SUPREME usher in a new wave of fashion enthusiasts with impressive outerwear and fashion forward accessories, to coordinate with jeans. Streetwear type jeans tend to have heavier weights and longer wear. Details like selvage seams are a telltale sign of high-quality jeans.

Jeans of today have far surpassed functionality. They are found in every closet and are unique to all body types. It’s evident why jeans are so popular. They can be worn for any occasion, and almost every fashion brand offers them.  Jeans move with the times and evolve as society does. Even now with sustainability at the forefront of fashion, there are jean brands developing eco-friendly methods of production, and higher quality, which keep jeans out of landfills. Labor laws have also become eco-driven, since the production of denim is just as important as its design. There is no way the world will ever reach a plateau in denim fashion. Jeans are a staple that is here to stay!

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