360 Magazine

Continue to write the marketing for this client promoting an NFT Fashion line. Each platform requires a different tone. The text is here, but the link to the article is in pink below. :) Certain elements were updated per the Magazine editor’s request. 



The month of September is a yearly beacon for change. It’s mainly for the seasons, but for fashion, it brought something more. The advent of NFT, a.k.a digital fashion, has been transforming the retail industry as of late. Movies like HIVEMIND, inspired these designers; Salxsai and Holotopia, to represent. Both designers featured incredible new NFT clothing. The shows were incredibly futuristic, and fit for the new era of fashion.

Salxsai dropped an NFT clothing collection, and art featured by Danica Robinson, on September 16, 2022. The whole project was produced by HIVE and is available on the foundation marketplace. This event included a live fashion show, and an exclusive screening of the pilot episode of HIVEMIND by Hive Glibal Media. Hive Global Media also released their new WLT skin which gave members exclusive access to more NFT gear and upcoming events. The mix of fashion and technology was groundbreaking, and inspired conversations from a well-versed panel of creative moderators, which included Michael P from Satoshi’s Closet with Bee Davies for Hive Global Media, and Chris Mena for Made by Mena. Very insightful info was translated and used to highlight the variety of innovative NFT clothing styles featured. The participants and guests benefited tremendously from this mind-blowing presentation of fashion genius.

Another spectacular event was Holotopia. It’s a new XR fashion event at Thunder studio. This took place September 24, 2022, and was an IRL and Metaverse fashion show held in Los Angeles California at the Thunder Studio. There was also an NFT drop from designer THISMANBRAND with art by Chris Aryan, which is available on foundation marketplace. It featured several designers, whose show was also produced by Hive Global Media. Needless to say, it was also unforgettable, with remarkable displays of artistic NFT digital mastery. The show was streamed live in Decentrall and on Twitch. This allowed guests to see the behind-the-scenes magic at the venue too.

Both events gave life to Fashion Week and the month of September. The change is here, and it’s the season for NFT’s revolution of fashion.

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